The 4 SUPPLEMENTS you NEED when Traveling

travel tips

I've been regularly taking supplements for over a decade now.  Besides a multi vitamin or some vitamin C, I started diversifying my supplement routine when I first started going to my naturopath.  Besides when I come in contact with a bacteria, virus, fungus, or a parasite or am experiencing problems due to a chemical or heavy metal exposure and I need to add a few more things, I’m always taking these in the morning and evening!

1. A Probiotic - for a healthy gut

From ancient times Hippocrates knew that all disease begins in the gut.  It is important for us to both cleanse and heal our gut barrier for better nutrient absorption and to prevent those particles that cause inflammation from getting through. 

 2. Digestive Enzymes - helps digest fats, proteins, and carbs for better nutrient absorption


Digestive Enzymes also help if you’ve come in contact with food that doesn’t agree with your belly, especially when you are traveling.  Don’t go without a digestive enzyme. 

 3. Minerals - Calcium & Magnesium - bones, joints, PH and Sleep

 I personally take a Calcium & Magnesium Supplement for a general Trace Mineral Supplement is also great! Minerals can also help regulate metabolism and Calcium Lactate keeps me from getting sores in my mouth- a game changer for me!

 4. A Fish Oil - For a Healthy Heart and joints

 Choose from Tuna, Cod, or a General EFA/DHA Fish Oil.  Fish oil helps with brain development and brain health as well.

It take these with me, even when I travel.  I often joke that I have more supplements with me than clothes or personal care items.  I've also not ever had a any problems getting them through security, even when traveling internationally.

For more information on the specific supplements I take in each category, click here!  You’ll need to register at Wellevate..I do make a small commission off each purchase but it helps me bring you this content to help you stay well when traveling!  Thanks for being here!

Disclaimer: All information contained here is for education purposes only and is based on my own research.  It is not medical advise so always do your own research and consult with your trusted health care advisor before starting any diet, exercise, or supplement program. 


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